
$40 a day

I was clicking through the channels one day when I came across a show called $40 a day. It's a show in which Rachael Ray (a cook from the food network) travels to many different locations all over the world and shows you how you can have great meals without spending any more than $40 a day, even in the most popular areas. The episode I saw was when she traveled to Miami, Florida. She ate at these places where you never would have thought would be good but turned out to be amazing. At night she went to some bar where she ordered a large portion of food for so cheap which also included live entertainment.
I never would have thought that this show would "tickle my fancy" yet I was very intrigued. I've never been to any of the places she traveled to , but some day I would love to just travel the world. The hardest part about traveling is being a tourist and not knowing any of the hot spots. There are so many times I went to an area so simple like the city ,and wound up eating at what I thought is a typical Italian restaurant, yet my order of chicken parm is just fried chicken with a sauce that tastes like they mixed ketchup with some spices, and cheese melted on top. Now, if I ever travel, I will know where I can get good food for cheap.

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