
Iranian President

I don t know how I feel about this whole Iranian President speaking at Columbia University tomorrow. People are debated on whether or not he should even have the right for him to speak, and on top of that, he wants to visit the World Trade Center site. Is he insane? Does he realize how awkward that would be for us Americans?

On Monday, September 24, 2007, Iranian President Mohmoud Ahmeinejad will speak at Colombia University after being invited to do so by President Bollinger.

President M.A. has called the Holocaust “a myth” and called for Israel to be “wiped off the map”. Iran sponsors terrorism and is trying to develop nuclear weapons. Who’s to say that if President M.A. gets his hands on a bomb, he won’t take action against America?

I feel that he should be allowed to speak at Columbia, not because I agree with what he stands for, but because I would like to hear what kind of answers he comes up with for the questions that are asked of him. I feel that his stand oh denying the Holocaust [of ever happening] is completely absurd and him thinking that Americans would actually allow him to visit ground zero is totally crazy and morally wrong.

Hearing his answers and his lecture will give Iranians and others the opportunity to see that it’s not only the Bush administration that oppose him, but the American people as well and that democracy is about debate and the open exchange of ideas.

Stressssed outt =[

These two weeks are the closest to being the worst two weeks of my entire life. I knew that college life would be stressful; trying to balance class, homework, and two jobs; but I never expected it to be this much of a challenge. Evidently, school work is the most important aspect of my busy life and I try to put my school work first. I’ve been trying to balance my time and do my homework during my breaks, and in between school and work. I also keep my syllabus in handy, this way I can get a head start on homework that I have due in the future. Even with my free time and head start on homework, I still feel like I am falling behind in school. All my work and tests and catching up with me, and work has just become a burden on my life. It is very hard to stay 100% focused on school when I work two jobs, in addition to coaching a youth soccer team. After school, I go to work, and try to finish my homework and study when I get home, but I often find myself waking up with my face in the book that I began to read to a fell asleep on it. I find this happening increasingly each week. Maybe I really should take into consideration quitting one of my jobs to relieve some stress from my life. I know school is the most important thing but I somewhat feel obligated to working.


poor britney =[

Last night was the MTV Video Music Awards. I really wasn’t interested in watching it, but my family was, so as I was doing my homework I'd catch some tid bits here and there. I couldn’t help but watch Britney Spears' performance, knowing that this was supposed to be her "big comeback" after all this time. I noticed that she wasn’t as in shape as she used to be, wasn’t dancing as well as we as the audience are used to seeing, and really wasn’t trying as hard as she could. I really felt bad for her during her performance and especially afterwards, when this so called "comedian" came on stage and insulted her and her family on live television. She said really terrible things about Britney Spears, and even though I don’t know her on a personal level, I felt horrible for her and couldn’t believe that someone actually would have the audacity to say such things about someone, especially since that person was in the same building, and more importantly, on live television. Today everyone is talking about it. The stories are in the papers, are being talked about on the radio, and are even being shown again on television. I really hope someone puts the "comedian" in her place for trying to be funny and insulting someone who did absolutely nothing to her. And I also really hope that Britney gets her life back on track and can maybe have a second come back performance, to show the world that she’s not going to be influenced negatively by the people whose opinion means nothing.