
Do people change?

A class discussion today was about whether or not we are the same people that we were when we were five years old. I dont believe i am the same person becasue of my needs and watns, outlook on life, and belief in God hace changed greatly as my life as pregressed. In addition I feel that i am now not the same person because i strongly belive thta yo learn., grow, and change only through your life experiences.

One reason why i feel i am a different person today is because my needs and wants as a 5 yars old differed greatly from my needs now. When i was 5 my needs were less demadning and easier to obtain. For example, if i wanted a toy i would almost always recieve that toy from a family member on different occations. If i threw a tenpur tantrome id most likely get what i wanted right then and there. now if i want something i have to work to gte it myself. my responsiblities are greater and things arent as easy to get anymore.

My whole outlook on life now is different. As a five year old, the biggest problem that you face is if someone tells you that your imaginary friend isnt real. today, people are suffering from debt, sicknesses, and heartache. you start to learn the problems with the world such as economy and politics. Everything seems to be a big issue now a days.

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